Loving God. Loving Others.
Practicing the Way of Jesus, Together.

We believe that God,
by His Holy Spirit, works primarily through the Ordinary Means of Grace, namely, His Word, Prayer, and the Christ-instituted Sacraments.

We believe that it is
within the family of faith that we are able to know, love, serve, confess, celebrate, struggle, and grow in our relationships with God, and with one another.

We believe that God moves in, around, and through His people to call to Himself disciples from every nation, all tribes and peoples and languages, and that nobody is beyond the reach of grace.

9:30am Equipping Time
10:00am Coffee | Fellowship
10:30am Worship
Our worship service begins at 10:30am, is 70 minutes long, and is structured around a liturgy that is patterned on the themes of
Praise, Renewal, and Commitment.