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We tend to think of the Church primarily as the gathered body of believers together for worship on the Lord's Day, and that is certainly true. But it's far more than that. It is our belief that gospel community is an essential part of what it means, not just to do church, but rather to be the Church. Jesus calls us His body, the sheep of His pasture, and living stones of His spiritual house. So, that means that community is the context for discipleship. The Christian life was never intended to be one of solitude; we were made for relationship with God and for relationship with each other. If we are nothing else as a church, our desire is to be the people of God on mission together.


Therefore, community is not something that is simply added on as a program. Community Groups are not meant to be just another once-a-week meeting. They are not a Sunday School class, a Supper Club, or even a Bible Study in the traditional sense. Community Groups provide an opportunity for us to practice living out the implications of the gospel with others in the real world in which we find ourselves. In essence, this is where we practice what we preach. It's that the Christian faith is both a shared life and a shared mission.


We believe that when a diverse group of Christians lives for Christ as a community of love and demonstrable, mutual affection, then the world around us will find it difficult to ignore and dismiss us.


You can see our current Community Groups with meeting times and contacts below.


Thanks! We will connect with you as soon as posssible.

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